Welcome to Holistic Hobbyist

Hi, I’m Gabriella! Step into my office, where curiosity meets transformation, guidance acquaints itself with collaboration, and you are the main character on this exciting journey.

I invite you to explore the extraordinary realm of holistic practices that seek to foster care, healing and awareness for the mind, body and spirit.

I'm not your typical practitioner; I'm an explorer of alternative ideas, a firm believer in the ‘try anything once’ principal when it comes to healing trauma and cultivating a sense of ease in my day to day. Life, for me, has been a playground to experiment, learn, and refine my understanding around what it really means to heal. Over the years, I have dipped my hands into many modalities as both a client and a provider before finding the feeling that a method was truly working. The realization emerged not from a single epiphany, but from the culmination of experiences with multiple modalities. It became evident that the profound keys to transformation lay in the harmonious trio of sustainable lifestyle changes, solutions focused coaching, and somatic healing. As a holistic practitioner, I blend the wisdom of coaching, the embodiment of somatic processes, and the artistry of constructing lifestyle roadmaps. Together, we'll not only address the surface challenges but delve into the depth of your being, crafting a unique, personalized approach that suits your lifestyle and respects your stated intentions.

Expect our sessions to be more than just appointments—they are all encompassing experiences, full of playful exploration, profound revelations, and effective strategies.

It's time to prioritise your well-being and discover the tools you've been searching for.

  • I spent most of my life running away from my problems, I just didn’t realize it. From a young age I could sense that my feelings and perspectives were not the same as my peers. From childhood, I have experienced bouts of low-self esteem, feeling lost, depressed, anxious, unfocused, angry, undisciplined and downright overwhelmed when it came to making sense of the intensity of feelings I sensed inside me.

    Upon completing university, I flew the coup and began to travel whenever I could afford to. With no real plan or goals, the opportunity to experience different ways of life, while aimlessly slogging through my own, seemed incredibly alluring and seemingly offered a chance to develop an individual identity separate from the version of myself that currently existed. Finally settling for an extended period of time in Australia to backpack and cash in on the age old cliché of ‘finding myself’, I felt like I had finally reached the summit of Mount Enlightenment – I felt great! Problem solved!

    It was upon returning home to the US that I realized, I was not cured, I was out running my feelings and telling myself I was healed. When those same emotional patterns and behaviors re-emerged, I was taken aback at the loss of progress. This realization was devastating, under the surface I still gripped the same intense emotions from childhood and I was forced to look at the impact they had on my life thus far. The thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and patterns I had been engaged in were keeping me feeling stuck and I needed to make a change that was realistic and sustainable.

    Trial and error through different methods of therapy, western medicine, psychedelic medicine, spiritual work and so on all culminated into feeling more lost than before. Sampling all of these different modalities morphed into a hobby of sorts for me, if something didn’t bring results, I was onto the next stop in my quest. In the back of my mind I could feel the urge to run resurface. If none of those practices could help, what would? My life radically changed upon the discovery of Somatic healing, Life Coaching and Wellness focused Lifestyle Planning. Getting into my body and unearthing trapped emotions and repressed memories and traumas catapulted me to being brave enough to really see, understand and have compassion for myself. Hiring a coach that refused to sugar coat the things I needed to hear allowed me to step into my own personal accountability in the role I played that contributed to my emotional unrest and how to reframe my mindset when it came to accomplishing my goals. Lifestyle planning taught me to work gradual change into my routine so that healthier habits became a reflexive part of my day that I no longer had to convince myself to participate in simply because it was good for me.

    I reached a place where I finally felt whole, balanced and confident in myself. The healing I continued to engage in also began to feel transformative, even in moments where I was met with challenge, and all the years of struggling to find what worked for me began to pay off. I am certainly still on my own journey of discovery and healing, striving to be a better version of myself tomorrow than I am today, embracing community support and offering my own skills in return so that others can feel uplifted in their existence fuels my passion to keep going. We are in this together.

  • I don't just bring qualifications; I bring a genuine passion for the art of personal growth. I’ve had my hand in many pots throughout this lifetime and I am so excited to share my refined strategies pulled from a dynamic toolbox overflowing with diversified professional knowledge and wisdom gained through life experience. My academic foundation began with a B.S. in Psychology and gradually grew to accommodate certifications across a variety of healing practices as a Certified Life Coach, RYT 200, Personal Trainer, Birth Doula, Herbalist, and Somatic Healing Practitioner. I'm not just a teacher, I am also a devoted lifelong student, growing my knowledge honing my skills to ensure that you receive the best possible guidance. My goal is always that I mutually give and receive with clients, there is infinite wisdom we can gain from each other along the way in this process.

  • At Holistic Hobbyist, my paramount goal is to guide you towards a state of clarity and ease, empowering you to face each new day with resilience and a forward-focused mindset, unburdened by the shadows of the past. My vision is anchored in cultivating the profound self-awareness necessary for you to confidently navigate life's complexities and translate this confidence into purposeful actions.

    My mission is to guide individuals towards a comprehensive understanding of themselves on a profound level. I believe that self-awareness is the cornerstone of confidence, empowering you to make informed decisions and take intentional actions that align with their authentic selves.

    I advocate for the courage to introspect and hold up the proverbial mirror to oneself while engaging in this process with kindness and accountability, fostering personal growth and celebrating achievement. By embracing one's reflection with both compassion and responsibility, you embark on a transformative journey towards self-actualization.

    As part of my commitment to holistic well-being, I am actively developing a business model that integrates diverse healing modalities. This includes exploring the potential benefits of psychedelics, fostering community engagement, and creating a secure online space for those with similar spirits to connect, share experiences, and support one another all coming soon in the future.

“A playful quest for a vibrant life.”